We’re A Family Business
As a family owned and operated company with decades of construction experience, J. Corsi Developments understands the importance of tradition.
Our focus on traditional excellence was formally recognized when we were awarded the 2006 & 2014OHBA Award of Distinction for the Kinsmen Club of Sudbury Showcase Sweepstakes Home and The Vermouth on Palladium Place respectively. Locally, J. Corsi Developments took home top prize for Best New Kitchen, Most Innovative Exterior Detailing and Best New Home < 2500SF at the 2012 Sudbury Residential Awards of Excellence.
Choosing your development is as important as selecting the right builder, and J. Corsi is the right choice for both. Our neighbourhoods are developed with the same philosophy that we have built our reputation on:
2006 – OHBA Awards of Distinction – Winner
2012 – OHBA Awards of Distinction – Finalist
2014 – OHBA Awards of Distinction – Winner